A Señor Froggy Dinner: The Resurrection

A Night of Reconnection and Joy

The Resurrection: Time to Get Social Again

You know, some traditions die for a reason—like Duckface selfies. We can all smile normally now—but then there’s A Señor Froggy Dinner. Originally hopping to life in 1996, this event came back in 2024, right when we all needed it. With life post-COVID making socializing feel like a rusty skill, this dinner was the perfect chance to ease back into the weird, wonderful mess of human interaction. My fiancée, Jordin, and I jumped into the fray. Well, I dove in headfirst while Jordin cautiously tested the waters—gotta love an introvert who’s willing to humor your social nonsense.

Guests raising drinks in a toast at A Señor Froggy Dinner 2024.

Enthusiastically raising our drinks for a toast, capturing the communal joy of A Señor Froggy Dinner 2024—because nothing says unity like synchronized sipping.

Guest smiling and chatting at A Señor Froggy Dinner 2024.

Here for the good vibes and the great company—because honestly, who isn’t?

Young woman observing guests in frog hats at A Señor Froggy Dinner 2024.

Easiest way to get a photographer to take your picture is to make eye contact.

Guest laughing under lights at A Señor Froggy Dinner 2024.

A candid moment that perfectly encapsulates the infectious joy of the evening.

Guest playfully holding utensil in kitchen at A Señor Froggy Dinner 2024.

In the kitchen, playfully brandishing a utensil—because at Señor Froggy, a battle cry for dinner is expected.

Wide-angle view of guests at A Señor Froggy Dinner 2024.

A wide-angle view of the gathering, where every corner is filled with laughter and connection—exactly how a Portland summer evening should be.

Table-Hopping and Froggy Stickers

Think of it like speed dating but without the awkward small talk. This event was all about real connections—like finding the people who laugh at the same inappropriate jokes. Rylee, the genius behind this whole thing, beams with pride about how these Froggy events have been the birthplace of friendships and even a few marriages. The night’s highlight was the “toast-off,” where someone from each table had to step up and deliver a toast.
I was suggested to go up—apparently, obsessively making a joke out of everything (Thanks, trauma!) can get you nominated for public speaking—but someone else jumped at the chance, and I didn’t argue. I’m a good public speaker, mainly because I have no shame and I’m used to people staring at me, but I was happy to stick to what I do best: capturing the moment. And let’s be real, our table’s toast crushed it, so we walked away with some primo Froggy stickers.

Backyard toast-off at a Portland summer gathering.

Very attentive. 

Two guests reading toast at sunlit gathering.

A duo caught in a warm moment, sharing the spotlight as they deliver heartfelt words under the evening glow.

Winning toast brings smiles at summer event.

A raised hand and a winning smile—this guy just nailed his toast, and the crowd is all in. (They lost.)

Speaker delivering heartfelt toast at gathering.

Focused and composed, this speaker captures the crowd's attention with every word.

Man with hat and phone wins toast-off.

Hat guy with the phone holds it high—victory in his grasp, the crowd knew a champ when they heard him.

Young woman delivers toast, crowd applauds.

The youngest in the group, confidently holding the mic—her toast brings the crowd to a warm applause.

Man in blue shirt delivering toast at outdoor dinner event, lively audience

Rylee's brother delivers a toast, surrounded by attentive dinner guests at an outdoor evening gathering

Handwritten note with event details on table at outdoor gathering

A handwritten note on a table, capturing thoughtful details about the evening's event, remnants of the toast competition.

I'm a winner!

Erin dabbing with frog sticker prize at outdoor event

Erin, Rylee's sister, dabbing like a boss with our #1 prize frog stickers after winning the contest.

Portland Summers and Social Lubricants

Portland’s weather is a fickle beast, but this night was a rare gem—warm, breezy, and perfect for outdoor mingling. The food? On point. The drinks? Legendary. They even had Froggy emergency “Holy Water” jars filled with vodka, for those needing a bit of social courage. It took me back to my first vodka experience: camping on a mountain with friends, thinking chocolate milk and vodka would make a killer milkshake. Spoiler: it didn’t. Turns out, dairy and vodka create something closer to cottage cheese than a drinkable dessert.

Rylee and Corey addressing their adoring fans.

Stacked Holy Water vodka bottles on table at outdoor gathering

My socially anxious fiancée, Jordin, stacked a bottle of "Holy Water" vodka to demonstrate her ability to distract and not interact. 

Two men concocting questionable drinks at the bar, one raising a bottle high like he's about to make history.

Two fellas at the bar mixing up drinks like mad scientists.

A true hero.

Close-up of golden, perfectly grilled chicken skewers, the kind that makes you want to dive right in.

Grilled chicken skewers so perfect they belong in a food commercial—golden, juicy, and basically whispering, "Eat me."

The aftermath of a party—an impressive collection of empty bottles and melted ice, proof of a good time.

Thank you, I don't mind if I do!


Rylee’s Kids: From Tadpoles to Almost Grown

I’ve been photographing Rylee’s family for years, and watching her kids grow from wild little tadpoles to nearly full-grown frogs has been surreal. They’ve still got that energy that makes them a joy to shoot. Jordin and I, in typical fashion, were the last to leave. Maybe I’m just oblivious to social cues—like the ones telling me it’s time to go—but hey, sticking around until the bitter end means I get to capture some of the best, most candid moments. Or maybe I’m just avoiding the fact that I never know when to leave a good party.

Grand Cru Hospitality, represent!

What a delightful smile!

Holding your kid is a limited time thing. Luckily this photo is forever. 

What a chill vibe. Bask in the vibes, introverts.

Family Matters

Before the night wrapped up, I made it my mission to get a shot of Rylee with her siblings. Family moments like these are too important to let slip by, and, honestly, I wasn’t going to leave until I got the shot. Rylee, glowing in her bright green shirt, perfectly captured the warmth and love that this event was all about.

The siblings.

Rylee and Corey at the end of the event. Almost a tradition to get a photo of them after all the events we've been at together.

Frogs, Friends, and Fond Memories

A Señor Froggy Dinner: The Resurrection 2024 wasn’t just a meal; it was a reunion, a reset button for our collective social lives. For a first-timer like me, it was a mix of humor, nostalgia, and just the right amount of awkwardness. Here’s to Rylee and the Froggy crew—long may this tradition leap forward.

Summer vibes hitting hard.

The last crew standing, captured in a final, spirited selfie—proof that the best conversations happen after everyone else leaves.

Okay, now buzz off.

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